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What's in? What's up?
What on Earth is happening?!


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My name is Avery, you can pronounce it as "Every".
Welcome to my blog of public affairs.
Since then, the world is a very happening place.
And you're here to read my thoughts about it.


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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Read it here at http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/health/view/1095452/1/.html

Wow, jet lag could actually cause memory loss. So is it an excuse now for those spouse to forget things if their job requires to travel a lot? Let's hope not! Did you know that people who works alternating nights - day shifts or have unusual schedules suffers from the same thing? Which is forgetfulness up for a month! That's really bad. Irregular sleeping habits could also cause memory loss and also wider range of problems such as heart disease and diabetes.

A message to those people out there, maintain a good sleeping habit and let's not twist our body clock around! Stay healthy~

Commented on
5:24 AM

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Read it here!http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/1093434/1/.html

Reading this news made me feel a little unnerved. It seems as though loansharks are now in fashion once again. Apparantly this girl was found to have bottles of paint, markers, a handphone as well as dossiers of the debtors. She has also been connected to other cases where she literally set fire to the front doors of the houses of the debtors!

Singapore has always been known for being a safe country to live in. However, with all the recent events such as the slashing incidents, peace is starting to seem like a far cry from the present Singapore. I believe that this is not the only such incident involving loansharks. There have probably been many more. One main reason for this would be the opening of the two new casinos in Singapore.

Most of us should remember the Indonesean man who stole a mobile phone worth five hundred dollars because he blew all his money at the casino at resort world Sentosa. There have been many different cases where people who lose their money at the casinos end up landing in debt and/or attempt thievery to clear their debts or to recuperate their losses. I am sure that the loansharks "come in handy" from now on due to human greed. After all, who doesn't want to make money instantly by just playing a few games in the casino?

Loansharks should be stopped before their acts become more dangerous. In the past, I remember the most they would have gone would be to hang pig heads outside the door of the debtor. However, they seem to be getting bolder. The girl who got caught was probably just a runner.

I hope the police are able to locate the real loansharks and put them behind bars before the situation in Singapore starts to get worse. I also urge those who are planning to go to casinos to manage their money properly and never ever look to loansharks as an option of getting that spare amount of money. After all, we wouldn't want to hurt our poor doors or get our families and neighbours into trouble, right?

Commented on
10:45 PM

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Read it here! http://news.smh.com.au/breaking-news-world/japanese-man-commits-suicide-online-20101110-17nlw.html

I feel pity for this Japanese man who hanged himself online for the world to see. He had discussed his personal views on life in general and had even announced his planned suicide, but no one expected him to seriously carry it out.What puzzled me is that he took more than 24 hours to make an informed decision to kill himself, which was a rather stupid decision.

It is known that Japan is the most innovative country in the present world. From innovations such as the umbrella tie where the tie could be used as an umbrella for safe keeping as well as for looking formal. They have even invented chewing gum to improve sexual performance! Maybe life was too stressful for him as he had been on extended sick leave from this job since August and had posted complaints about his work. But there is always therapy and counselling to help him get through this period, surely even he knew that!

He may be feeling suicidal at the point of time he announced his plan to kill himself, but if he did not have many web users encouraging or even daring him to kill himself, this unfortunate tragedy might not have happened. What is happening to mankind? One daring another to commit suicide? Of course there are a few people desist his decision, but under the circumstances that he had, he would still be taunted by those comments who dared him to do it.

I seriously urge those who come across people who have given up hope on life to give the right comment. After all, words hold alot of power and influence. Saying the wrong thing might cause yet another tragedy to happen and if you have a conscience, you will feel the pangs of regret welling up in you!

Commented on
7:18 AM

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Read it here! http://sg.yfittopostblog.com/2010/11/01/teen-hacked-to-death-at-downtown-east/

This news came as a no-surprise. As a teen, I am aware of these incidents, but not those incidents that ended with death!

Gang wars are getting renowned in Singapore finally! Now Singapore is known as a "please do not stare at me or I'll kill you" country. I would not be surprised to see more people wearing shades even on a rainy day.

One stare had caused a promising youth to die before repaying his debt to society in blood, money and fertility. It is ridiculously funny though to see how petty the gangsters are. If staring must lead to assualt, what would a brush on the shoulder create? A war?

The police have arrested 4 likely suspects recently. Is that a good thing? A bad thing? Will our prison be fire bombed by rebel gangsters?

Our policemen patrol the streets a lot. But they should also be serious in their watch duties. Maybe this could be a wake up call for them.

I feel pity for the teen, he lost his life to a simple stare. However, no full details have been released. Who is to know if he was the one who caused the whole fight? Only time will tell. Or maybe not.

You stare me, I'll stab you!

Commented on
9:35 AM